Monday, April 18, 2011

More media voices always better: Akin | Canada | News | Toronto Sun

More media voices always better: Akin | Canada | News | Toronto Sun

For certain more voices will add to the Canadian landscape and conversation around water coolers, provided Sun News Network offers up not only different but interesting and informative.
I will definitely look because I have always found Canadian news presentations bland and uninteresting, even the news breaking events of the day are presented this way.
It'll definitely be a challenge for Sun to keep a 24 hour all news presentation fresh and interesting, but I do wish them much success because the Canadian public could surely use a different point of view from what we've been fed for so long.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

NDP unveils crime policy | Decision 2011 | News | Toronto Sun

NDP unveils crime policy | Decision 2011 | News | Toronto Sun

Am I mistaken? Or is this the same NDP whose solution to crime prevention and youth gangs have always been to provide more opportunity in neighbor hoods where high occurrences persist.
This is also the same NDP whose obstruction toward every effort the Tories attempt at tougher laws that punish illegal gun possession and violent crime perpetrators.
I guess with the proposed increased Crime Prevention Fund and 2,500 permanent Police officers we can catch gang bangers and hold them long enough (with the toothless laws currently on the books, especially for young offenders) for the election to be over and NDP promises to be broken.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cap-and-trade — useless, dumb, and reckless: Goldstein | Lorrie Goldstein | Columnists | Comment | Toronto Sun

Cap-and-trade — useless, dumb, and reckless: Goldstein | Lorrie Goldstein | Columnists | Comment | Toronto Sun

It amazes me still that intelligent people would continue to foster this absolutely ridiculous idea on their constituents. Cap and Trade by now is not a new idea, it has been tried as you have stated with disastrous results in Europe and remains bogged down in the US.

Governments have a responsibility to protect the Canadian people from all sorts of disastrous eventualities, war, an increasingly changing global environment perhaps and now it appears from Liberal stupidity.

Let's have a discussion about the environment, global warming (if it exists) but we first need to assemble a group of scientists and leaders whose primary goal is the environment and not personal or political gain.


Friday, April 1, 2011

CBC: Bias and secrecy | Ezra Levant | Columnists | Comment | Toronto Sun

CBC: Bias and secrecy | Ezra Levant | Columnists | Comment | Toronto Sun

There are no surprises here at all, the CBC is doing what the CBC does and that is protect it's money stream by cheer leading a Liberal win in the upcoming elections, and short of that, stymieing the possibilities of a Conservative majority government. A Tori majority would spell trouble for the CBC, I suspect that the time is rife for de-funding this Liberal machine parading as an unbiased news organization.

It's interesting to me that an organization that touts itself as representative of the Canadian identity can only ever find the Liberal viewpoint and position to champion. But I guess when you believe the Liberal position is always correct there is no need to offer an opposing one, no matter how thoughtful and engaging it may be.

I would bet that they would defend as a progressive portal designed to immediately capture the Canadian pulse and effectively poll the parties prior to next months election. The rest of us know better, it is so obvious what they are doing it is laughable for anyone to suggest different, there is neutrality here.

Whether they divulge the formula that they are using, or who gets the data that they are collecting on Canadians is of no real consequence and concern to me. What does concern me is the fact that they are using our tax dollars to push their agenda, that ought to be investigated and corrected ASAP.

Thanks for exposing these charlatans Mr. Lavant.