What a mess for the West, an absolute disastrous position that our leaders have gotten us into. One I am afraid will end badly for all of the Western NATO members and many of it's citizens. The Arab League and many other Nations within the UN will undoubtedly give themselves a pass (post military precedings), as they have during the present military operations.
We had to do something in Libya; to quell the unrest and to limit mass murder by Gadhafi and his henchmen and to stabilize the situation that may have significant impact on European interest. But a better idea was to have the Nations in the area sort this out themselves, after all they have the military hardware to do it and it is in their immediate interest to solve the issues that they have created through mismanaged Governments throughout the region.
So the West erred in this action and yet here we are about to complicate the matter even more by talk of arming the Rebels. It is not inconceivable, actually it is probably that these same arms will eventually be used against our own forces sometime in the not too distant future. Only this time they will be wielded by a more experienced, professional force determined to kill infidels wherever they may be.