Monday, April 18, 2011

More media voices always better: Akin | Canada | News | Toronto Sun

More media voices always better: Akin | Canada | News | Toronto Sun

For certain more voices will add to the Canadian landscape and conversation around water coolers, provided Sun News Network offers up not only different but interesting and informative.
I will definitely look because I have always found Canadian news presentations bland and uninteresting, even the news breaking events of the day are presented this way.
It'll definitely be a challenge for Sun to keep a 24 hour all news presentation fresh and interesting, but I do wish them much success because the Canadian public could surely use a different point of view from what we've been fed for so long.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

NDP unveils crime policy | Decision 2011 | News | Toronto Sun

NDP unveils crime policy | Decision 2011 | News | Toronto Sun

Am I mistaken? Or is this the same NDP whose solution to crime prevention and youth gangs have always been to provide more opportunity in neighbor hoods where high occurrences persist.
This is also the same NDP whose obstruction toward every effort the Tories attempt at tougher laws that punish illegal gun possession and violent crime perpetrators.
I guess with the proposed increased Crime Prevention Fund and 2,500 permanent Police officers we can catch gang bangers and hold them long enough (with the toothless laws currently on the books, especially for young offenders) for the election to be over and NDP promises to be broken.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cap-and-trade — useless, dumb, and reckless: Goldstein | Lorrie Goldstein | Columnists | Comment | Toronto Sun

Cap-and-trade — useless, dumb, and reckless: Goldstein | Lorrie Goldstein | Columnists | Comment | Toronto Sun

It amazes me still that intelligent people would continue to foster this absolutely ridiculous idea on their constituents. Cap and Trade by now is not a new idea, it has been tried as you have stated with disastrous results in Europe and remains bogged down in the US.

Governments have a responsibility to protect the Canadian people from all sorts of disastrous eventualities, war, an increasingly changing global environment perhaps and now it appears from Liberal stupidity.

Let's have a discussion about the environment, global warming (if it exists) but we first need to assemble a group of scientists and leaders whose primary goal is the environment and not personal or political gain.


Friday, April 1, 2011

CBC: Bias and secrecy | Ezra Levant | Columnists | Comment | Toronto Sun

CBC: Bias and secrecy | Ezra Levant | Columnists | Comment | Toronto Sun

There are no surprises here at all, the CBC is doing what the CBC does and that is protect it's money stream by cheer leading a Liberal win in the upcoming elections, and short of that, stymieing the possibilities of a Conservative majority government. A Tori majority would spell trouble for the CBC, I suspect that the time is rife for de-funding this Liberal machine parading as an unbiased news organization.

It's interesting to me that an organization that touts itself as representative of the Canadian identity can only ever find the Liberal viewpoint and position to champion. But I guess when you believe the Liberal position is always correct there is no need to offer an opposing one, no matter how thoughtful and engaging it may be.

I would bet that they would defend as a progressive portal designed to immediately capture the Canadian pulse and effectively poll the parties prior to next months election. The rest of us know better, it is so obvious what they are doing it is laughable for anyone to suggest different, there is neutrality here.

Whether they divulge the formula that they are using, or who gets the data that they are collecting on Canadians is of no real consequence and concern to me. What does concern me is the fact that they are using our tax dollars to push their agenda, that ought to be investigated and corrected ASAP.

Thanks for exposing these charlatans Mr. Lavant.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rice: U.S. has not ruled out arming Libyan rebels | World | News | Toronto Sun

Rice: U.S. has not ruled out arming Libyan rebels | World | News | Toronto Sun

What a mess for the West, an absolute disastrous position that our leaders have gotten us into. One I am afraid will end badly for all of the Western NATO members and many of it's citizens. The Arab League and many other Nations within the UN will undoubtedly give themselves a pass (post military precedings), as they have during the present military operations.

We had to do something in Libya; to quell the unrest and to limit mass murder by Gadhafi and his henchmen and to stabilize the situation that may have significant impact on European interest. But a better idea was to have the Nations in the area sort this out themselves, after all they have the military hardware to do it and it is in their immediate interest to solve the issues that they have created through mismanaged Governments throughout the region.

So the West erred in this action and yet here we are about to complicate the matter even more by talk of arming the Rebels. It is not inconceivable, actually it is probably that these same arms will eventually be used against our own forces sometime in the not too distant future. Only this time they will be wielded by a more experienced, professional force determined to kill infidels wherever they may be.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Coalition of the losers | Charles Adler | Columnists | Comment | Toronto Sun

Coalition of the losers | Charles Adler | Columnists | Comment | Toronto Sun

The Tories may well be on their way to a majority Government, at least I hope so. They have done an admirable job managing the economy over the last while and deserve the opportunity to Govern unfettered from the interference machine on the left.

Ignatieff's only last hope is to wish for another Conservative minority where the opportunity of re-forming the three amigos coalition could well resurface.

Harpers majority depends on media being responsible and reporting political events within the context of informing Canadians and not mis- leading them through fear based left leaning hyperbole.

Respectful media outlets ought to correct the record when it is marred and reported unfairly and incorrectly.


Friday, March 25, 2011

Blogs on: Senior Senate Dems Defend Obama's Decisions on Libya

Blogs on: Senior Senate Dems Defend Obama's Decisions on Libya

I am not surprised that some in the Democratic leadership would support Barack Obama's actions leading up to the Military action in Libya, in fact one should expect it. But much of the efforts in building a coalition in this effort had more to do with European Nations like France, Italy and Britain, they have much more vested interest in stabilizing Libya ASAP.

Obama dithers as others moved to get the UN to authorize some kind of action in Libya, the UN eventually sanctioned the use of force to establish a No Fly Zone there. It was then that the US administration inserted itself as lead dog in the precedings that followed.

Durbin lauded Obama for moving with "unprecedented speed", hardly the case, but does anyone expect anything different from him or most of these Politicians. The facts are never as important as what they want them to be, perception is everything.

Candidate Obama stated without equivocation that no US President has the authority to use military action without first getting the Congress' approval. He was wrong to say so then since there was no precedent for his statement, but he said it, so why the change? But here is a man who underestimated the role and responsibility of the President of the United States and now must work hard to catch up to the realities of his role.

Much of President Obama's foreign policy decisions have been reactionary rather than proactive as is necessarily expected of a US President, but none of it is unexpected and Americans were warned pre-election about his inexperience. But even more troubling than his inexperience, because most would hardly be adept at dealing the huge issues that a President must deal with daily, is his ideology.

What you believe about your Country and the truths you hold onto about it's past and future will determine what you would do in any given circumstance and inevitable conflicts will arise between fast held ideology and the reality as it is.

Hopefully Americans may look to chose a leader the next time around with the experience and gravitas for the position applied for.

I do wish President Obama success though, not only in Libya but in all that he must do to preserve the American way and influence in the World, it is all that the American people deserve for their Exceptional position in the World.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Smoke stops, work resumes at troubled Japanese nuclear plant -

Smoke stops, work resumes at troubled Japanese nuclear plant -

It is refreshing to see news flowing out of the area regarding the status of facilities reactors.

I am struck by the bravery of the people, who must know the personal risk posed by working to limit the disaster at these plants and yet they continue to persevere.

My hat goes off to these brave individuals and my prayers are definitely with them.

I only hope that the Japanese Government and the authorities at the plant keep their best interest and safety at heart as they attempt to resolve the many issues that they face.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Obama: US will turn over control of Libya effort (AP) - Yahoo! News - Yahoo! Buzz

Obama: US will turn over control of Libya effort (AP) - Yahoo! News - Yahoo! Buzz

Obama and his administration supposedly got involved in Libya because as a member Nation of the UN It was asked to participate which meant that the US had to meet It's international obligation.

At least that is what Obama said at the beginning and that is why he did not need to seek permission from the US congress. Now he says that he will give up control to some other UN/NATO partner I assume the British or French after the No Fly Zone has been established.

So is the US a coalition member participant in this military action or is it in control of the proceedings, which is it Mr President?

Obama had also stated that Qaddafi must go, no equivocation there, but now he says that the US will leave even if Qaddafi is still in power after the current military action.
So which is it Mr President?

The US lacks leadership in it's Domestic and International policies and that is the only thing that appears obvious to me.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Greenpeace activists halt nuclear hearings | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun

Greenpeace activists halt nuclear hearings | Toronto & GTA | News | Toronto Sun

Greenpeace was an organization that I used to support financially a while back, but I couldn't continue my support because of actions like these.

Here they are trying to shut down an environmental assessment hearing on a proposal to build new reactors at Darlington, rather than trying to be a part of the process and voice their concerns.

But it seems that they have already decided that Nuclear power is unsafe and unacceptable to them. What arrogance.

We must re-access Nuclear power plants safety for sure and apply what we have learned from the disaster in Japan to any new installations being evaluated. But to not consider Nuclear as a safe and efficient power source in an energy starved West is irresponsible to say the least.


Monday, March 21, 2011

Questions worth asking | Peter Worthington | Columnists | Comment | Toronto Sun

Questions worth asking | Peter Worthington | Columnists | Comment | Toronto Sun

This is the issue of our times for sure and we had better understand what we are dealing with so that we may effectively combat it's hideous and deadly effects.

Probing the radicalization of youth for any purpose but specifically for violent Jihad in this case is a reasonable response by any society trying to deal with the issue.

More questions not less are the call of the day, irrespective of the ACLU or any other group, whose agenda is not often clear to begin with.

The role of any responsible Government is to protect all of it's citizens from extremists violence of all sorts and doing it through dialog and inquiry seems reasonable to me.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tea Party critics can’t define the mainstream | Columnists | Comment | Toronto Sun

Tea Party critics can’t define the mainstream | Columnists | Comment | Toronto Sun

Why do conservatives have to apologize for having a view point that is different from the Liberal main streams?

If the Sun's new Network is only half as influential and respected as the Fox network it would be a great addition to the news landscape in Canada. As an avid consumer of the News I have always been struck by the absence of more visible Conservative viewpoints in Canadian News presentations and so I welcome the Suns desire to fill that gap if that is their intention at all.

As for the Tea Party in the US being racist, these are not new charges from Liberal spin politics at all, every time there appears to be a rise in Conservatism these responses surface right on cue. When the Conservative Party appear to be moving toward a majority in Canada the media looks to scare the public by painting the Conservatives as racist.

In an open society we should welcome all view points and opinions because it is the only way to eventually get to the truth on any given issue.
If it is dumb to weight each issue and separate fact from fiction then form an insightful position; this is Conservative thought, this is I.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Japan accident shows dilemma over nuclear sites | World | News | Toronto Sun

Japan accident shows dilemma over nuclear sites | World | News | Toronto Sun

Building anything next to tsunami-prone coasts is potentially hazardous and fraught with risks. But this should not limit Nuclear Power Plant expansion especially at a time when energy sources are in demand.
Better construction of these types of facilities with improved safety measures are the call of the day. We have always done better in times of challenge through innovation and technology, which have benefited our Western societies significantly over the years.
Energy plants of all kinds are usually located in the environment that allows efficient harnessing of the resource. Solar, wind and hydro are all reliant on specific locations for best harnessing of their potential supply of energy.
Let's keep the conversation on improving the safety of our existing Nuclear Plants (Shut down Plants that are incapable of being revamped to the higher safety standards) through lessons learnt from this disaster, and not veer off into the knee jerk reactionary world of many who would advocate shutting down all such facilities.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

What's up with all the disasters? | Mike Strobel | Columnists | News | Toronto Sun

What's up with all the disasters? | Mike Strobel | Columnists | News | Toronto Sun

Please don't encourage the Doomsday crowd, that fire doesn't need anymore stoking. It's bad enough they're going to be in our faces for awhile, can't wait for 2012 to go by, oh no but wait, they'll come up with something else, as they explain away their misinterpretation of the Mayan calender.

It's no mystery that the earth will one day come to some disastrous end but before that day nears we'll have to endure the many predictions of our demise from all wannabe soothsayers.

After they've sucked all the oil from the ground our oceans and lakes will rush in to fill those empty cavities depleting all of the earths water supply & cooling the earths crust. That will be the end for us all, we'll all die of thirst on July 15, 2036.....HA-HA

Friday, March 11, 2011

BoC to unveil polymer $100 bill this spring | Money | Toronto Sun

BoC to unveil polymer $100 bill this spring | Money | Toronto Sun

Brazil, Chille, Australia, Vietnam and others already use polymer bills with varying degrees of success.

The polymer bills are cheaper to make and offer better security against counterfeiting but are made of Biaxially-Oriented Polypropylene [BOPP].

Polypropylene is a plastic so I am uncertain as to how it is more environmentally friendly when compared to the cotton based bills currently in circulation.

Huge tsunami slams Japan | World | News | Toronto Sun

Huge tsunami slams Japan | World | News | Toronto Sun

I have seen some images of the aftermath of the 8.8 Quake, that has hit Japan overnight, on FOX and YouTube, what incredible devastation and grief.

The tsunami and resulting rising waters moving into shore appears to be so deliberate and unstoppable, awesome even. It's incredible to watch but the reality is that lives are being destroyed in this wave of natures hand. I pray that the loss of life is abated and for the families of the many who are already lost.

Please help in any way if asked and continue to pray for the people of Japan as they mourn their losses and try to regain some semblance of normality after this devastating event.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

PAT SAJAK: What Hollywood Really Cares About -

PAT SAJAK: What Hollywood Really Cares About -

Well said Pat.
Thoughtful without being partisan, it's refreshing to read an opinion without the left/right bias that is usually entrenched.

You are right about us not taking these puffed up celebrity opinions too seriously. But we all look for heroes, people that affirm our own beliefs and that is why they do get some traction with the public.

I do believe it's time for us all to start to seek the truth about issues. Truth is the only thing that will challenge our strong held beliefs no matter how compelling they may be.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Evangelical group urges Congress to protect Defense of Marriage Act |

Evangelical group urges Congress to protect Defense of Marriage Act |

Could you imagine if every Administration and its Justice Department decided to only defend the laws that they believe to be Just or Right in their eyes. What would be the point of Congress enacting Legislation and passing new laws? No, there are ways to deal with these issues that serve all of the American people with the respect and transparency of a responsible government. I find it interesting that at a time when much of the world is asking questions about complex issues of good Governance within their societies, the US offers up political posturing and voter base baiting as an answer. Defend all of the Laws on the books until you are able to change it within the framework designed to do so.

Friday, February 25, 2011

The Agenda - Agenda Home

The Agenda - Agenda Home: "Can democracy flourish in places which have never known it?"

A good question don't you think?
In light of the ongoing outbursts for change in the Middle East it seems appropriate that we decipher fact from fiction.
Democracy as we know it in the West has been a messy affair and it requires a lot of time and effort to get it right, assuming we ever do. I am not sure that what we have been witnessing is a call for democratic change so much as it is an appeal for a different way ahead for people who are disillusioned by the lack of progress in their countries and personal lives. They look for someone to articulate a different vision for their future, a new hope and to do it quickly.
After all can Democracy not subject a minority (party, group) to the same kinds of suppression by the majority party in power?
It is after all likely that the deposed tyrants will eventually be replaced by other more acceptable authoritarian groups masquerading as democratic reformers. Promising democratic reform while delivering less in terms of personal choice and freedoms. I sincerely hope that whatever change occurs in the Middle East is positive and brings hope and peace to a region that desperately needs it. And if that change happens to look like our democracy then so be it.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Unrest in China | The Weekly Standard

Unrest in China | The Weekly Standard

Once again China is leading the way and showing the rest of the totalitarian world how it is done.

Why do we in the West hold China in such regard when it won't even allow it's own people dignity to protest internal wrongs by the state?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

First Blog

This is my very first Blog and I'm not sure at all of what I am doing, but here goes.
My goal is to Blog about some controversial events in the news and to encourage thoughtful debate.
I also wanted to Blog on writing and authors and to share some of my writing and thoughts.

You may want to comment on the revelation that Google had partnered with the US government to help encourage the recent events in Egypt and other Arab states.